Friday 27 May 2011

Friday 20 May 2011

Text for the prezi, which will follow shortly

A brief pitch on communication.

So communication is everywhere. Right now I'm communicating with you. If you look around your surroundings are communicating with you.
How? They are giving you an impression of the environment, because you feel the way you do about where you are for a reason. For example,
being alone at 2 in the morning down a dark street in hackney will probably make you feel intimidated, so its communicating, in this case imposing on you.
If you are lying in the park in the middle of a sunny afternoon with friends, unless your agrophobic, or an albino and cant take to much sun, you'll probably be relaxed, enjoying the atmosphere and surroundings, so in this case its communicating making you feel at ease. But those are quite abstract forms of communication,a simpler form would be an alarm bell at school. It communicates that its the end of a lesson, or end of the day. If a traffic light turns green it communicates that its time to move. If you pour some milk out of a carton to find it lumpy, its communicated to you that its off.
So communication is information. Information being passed from one object or person to another successfully through any of your senses. Successfully is the key word here because if the transition isn't successful, its no longer communication, its merely information getting lost between hosts.

Wednesday 18 May 2011

I've abandoned all hope

Fuck you mainstream Hollywood film industry you horrible moneygrabbing whoring piece of filth. Remake Akira? Fuck you. Remake Straw Dogs? FUCK YOU. Remake Battle Royal? FUCK YOU!!!!! Sorry about the outburst but seriusly, this is really starting to piss me off. I know theres no such thing as an original idea, BUT AT LEAST TRY YOU PATHETIC WORTHLESS SCUM. UGH.

Friday 6 May 2011

He's come here to kick ass and chew bubblegum-

-But he's all out of bubblegum. Well, that's what the main character claims anyway in this beloved cult classic by none other than John Carpenter starring Rodey Piper, Keith David and Meg Foster. About a drifter who strolls into town, moves into a commune, finds some sunglasses which allow him to see aliens who have invaded and hidden themselves in our society, keeping us in check through subliminal mind control, and goes on a mission to stop them. It sounds like an obscure piece of strung out eighties sci-fi, because it is, but with John Carpenter behind the wheel, some ridiculously ridiculous one liners, surprisingly good social commentary and Meg Foster looking cracked out, it gets raised to EPIC status.

Because it has absolutely nothing to do with...

BRASIL!!!!!!! You know it. Even if you don't, you know someone who does. Terry Gilliam? Yup. Sam Lowry? Yup. De Niro as a rogue plumber? Hells yes. An interpretation of '1984' that holds up to the original?!?! You betcha.
Savour it.
Also, the music is awesome.

Viva Diva

Awesome company who found the apprenticeship with Optimum. Diva.


My godfather (Johnny Green not Marlon Brando) watched Vertigo every week on the same day till he died. There was something in the films infinite depth that meant no matter how many times he watched the same characters on screen reciting the same script over and over, he found something new every time. Now I know there have more essays, papers and books written about this film than I would ever bother to read, so I wont go into detail. All I'll say is there are cults about this film. People have died over this film. People were born because of this film. Watch it. I mean, hell, for I know you'll probably hate it. But the gist of what I'm trying to get across is that it really is that important.

The Legend of the Powell

Its rare to say a figure who has appeared in countless top 100 lists is underrated, but even today outside of film buff circles Michael Powell remains painfully unheard. With a career that covers 40's avant-garde, 60's psychos and an exile to Australia, he remains a character hard to touch.